Manage your competitions at the FIFA level performing half the current paperwork
We help to adjust your system, so your don’t need an employee on an every-day basis
The supporters and teams will be exited with the availability of full statistics on your website
You attract more participants and increase the funding for the competitions
with innovative Football management system ‘NAGRADION’
One in three football federations in Russia uses
The system is recommended by
100+ football organizations
We have explored every detail to optimize the work of the football federation
Website builder with various personal settings
In the football management system 'Nagradion' you can create a modern website without prior knowledge in programming. All blocks are developed and optimized both for desktop and mobile versions of the site, so you only need to select the required blocks and approve their location.

A large number of optional settings have been developed over 10 years, together with football federations. At the same time, it is easy to work with the system! We help with any initial adjustments, including the creation of templates for printing, settings for joint tournaments and club rankings.

If you already have a main site, you can use selected individual modules of the system, and exchange information with the main site via API. We will inform you of the experience of implementing the system by other organizations, and conduct personalized online training.
Electronic documents
Electronic document management is an opportunity for the football federation to run all organizational processes in electronic form: the application company, the appointment of referees, match protocols, control and disciplinary committee.

Every tournament starts with a team's application, when each team, under its unique login, electronically completes a form for the competition.
In addition an employee of the federation also checks the team's applications.

All information is logged (the system automatically records all user's actions in the system), this ensures 100% transparency and reliability of the process.

Like all automation processes, an electronic application saves time, and, therefore, money for the football federation. Before the implementation of the system the time for checking an application is 1 h 15 min, and after the implementation the time decreases to 15 min. This is a 500% cost reduction for the federation!
System of statistics
The system of statistics is the online and aggregated statistical data of all participants of the competitions: teams, players, referees. For example, the result of the match can be filled in by the referee immediately after the end of the game.
The referee inputs the match events into the protocol and publishes it - simultaneously with the publication of the protocol, the statistical data for each team and each player are updated.

A detailed tournament table, a table of scorers and penalties, the discipline committee, player statistics by each season, tournament series, the history of team’s matches, which is far from a complete list of statistics are automatically calculated in the 'Nagradion' statistics module.

Among the extended indicators collected in the system, we can note detailed technical and tactical actions of players: shots on target, ball possession, successful dribbling, tackles, clear scoring chances, etc.
Reports and analitics
Reports and analytics is a module of the Football management system ‘Nagradion’, created for the management of federations, it allows the tracking of the main management indicators when organizing competitions.
  • Export of competition participants allows tracking the age composition, number of clubs and teams, changes in trends from year to year.
  • Export of referees allows downloading detailed data of all referees including categories, license validity periods, etc.
  • Export of users allows monitoring the traffic of the federation website, tracking popular pages and time spent on the federation website.
The system ‘Nagradion’ also provides reporting documents for clubs. A printout of any particular protocol is available from the game page immediately after it's end.
Manage the database
The competition management system 'Nagradion' provides the ordered storage of information for tournaments, matches, clubs, sports facilities, and organized databases of players, referees and official representatives.
Database management is a separate tool that allows one to maintain, to find the necessary data quickly, and to correct any errors.

All care and attention is paid to the safe storage of user personal data, and this data is placed on secure servers in accordance with Federal Laws.
Data backup is provided, in case of emergency. Any tournament can be restored within 1 month after any accidental deletion.
Mobile app
Mobile app ‘Nagradion’ is a mobile application for holding competitions among fans (download from Google Play and App Store). Every fan has the opportunity to take part in the competition and become a winner. They need to attend the matches of their favorite team, to share photos from the matches in the app and on social networks.

All information from the websites of football organizations is automatically transferred to the app: news, schedule, media, lists of clubs and players. Authorized users can place their own posts, follow their favorite teams and players.

For a football organization to be placed in the app, it is necessary to correctly maintain the databases of players, clubs and tournaments.
Technical support and AI
Implementation of the Football management system ‘Nagradion’ is a process when it is necessary to teach all teams, referees, and federation employees to work with the system. You should convince them that the system is a reliable and effective tool for daily work.

Nothing will help here more than recommendations from other football federations, joint meetings can be organized to exchange experience with real examples.

The system is provided for the first month free of charge. System modules are clearly displayed with operational instructions. TS is in touch 24/7!

All notifications, improvements and developments are sent to the football federation, with the system constantly being updated.
Over the past 10 years, the convenience of the system has been appreciated by thousands of Russian sports organizations and millions of fans
  • 12,056
    football referees
  • 27,137
    football clubs
  • 661,712
    football players
  • 6,468,676
    supporters per year
Your gratitude is the best indicator of the quality of our work.
For those who are ready to take their competitions to the FIFA level, we will show you how to do it simply and effectively in a strategic online session.
  • Find any existing problems and explore current tasks of your organization
  • Create a step-by-step strategy for the organization development in the direction of IT services
  • Calculate the cost of monthly subscription based on your individual needs
Fill in the form to discuss the future progress of your organization

  • We will contact you via messenger and agree on a convenient time for an online session.
  • An online session does not obligate you in any way.
How would you prefer to be contacted?
Partners programme/
For sponsors
Award online-shop
  • Insurance
Website builder
Electronic documents
System of statistics
Reports and Analitics
Manage the database
Mobile app
  • Technical support and AI
Wiki Nagradion
  • Video-library
Analytics of amateur football
How to use AI for research
Overcome any limitations before the
implementation of 'Nagradion'