Manage your competitions at the FIFA level performing half the current paperwork
We help to adjust your system, so your don’t need an employee on an every-day basis
The supporters and teams will be exited with the availability of full statistics on your website
You attract more participants and increase the funding for the competitions
with innovative Football management system ‘NAGRADION’
One in three football federations in Russia uses
The system is recommended by
100+ football organizations
We have explored every detail to optimize the work of the football federation
Website builder with various personal settings
The site displays all the necessary information regarding the federation's activities in a transparant way:
- Scoreboard of competitions and matches, List of teams and players
- The complete statistics for matches and players (goals, yellow and red cards, time on the field, substitutions, etc.)

You have access to ready-made site templates, which we deploy and configure. You can independently choose the design and content of the site, using only relevant blocks of information.
Over the past 10 years, the convenience of the system has been appreciated by thousands of Russian sports organizations and millions of fans
  • 12 056
    football referees
  • 27 137
    football clubs
  • 661 712
    football players
  • 6 468 676
    supporters per year
Your gratitude is the best indicator of the quality of our work.
For those who are ready to take their competitions to a FIFA level, we will show you how to do it simply and effectively in a strategic online session.
  • Find out the current problems and tasks of your organization
  • Create a step-by-step strategy for the organization development in the direction of IT services
  • Calculate the cost of monthly subscription based on your individual needs
Fill in the form to discuss the future progress of your organization

  • We will contact you via messenger and agree on a convenient time for an online session.
  • An online session does not obligate you to anything.
How would you prefer to be contacted?
Partners programme/
For sponsors
Award online-shop
  • Insurance
Website builder
Electronic documents
System of statistics
Reports and Analitics
Manage the database
Mobile app
  • Technical support and AI
Wiki Nagradion
  • Video-library
Analitics of amatour football
How to use AI for research
Main limits before the
implementation the system of
  • football management Nagradion